Lesson Summary:
The lesson introduces the children to some of the more common prefixes. The discussion may be used by the teacher to introduce the activities or read by the children before beginning the activities. Activity A is a fun way to discover the linking of prefixes and word stems and Activity B reinforces the activity in a more formal way. Depending on how many words are needed for the first activity, use the examples given in Activity B and/or those in the reading.
- The children will understand that many words are made up of prefixes and word stems
- The children will demonstrate their understanding by completing the exercises given.
Subject Area:
Language Arts
Lesson Excerpt:
What are prefixes? Actually the word prefix has a prefix itself: we can break the word into two parts – pre and fix. Pre means before and fix means attach or join. So prefixes are attached before a word or word stem to give us more information. Let’s look at a couple of examples:
Sub is a prefix meaning under. Sub + marine = submarine (under the ocean).
Circum is a prefix meaning around. Circum + navigate = circumnavigate (navigate around).