Measurements of Time – Using a Calendar

Lesson Summary:

The lesson introduces the children to the calendar and reinforces their understanding of days, months and years.  The discussion is designed to be used by the teacher as a resource.  Activity A gives the children practice in using the calendar to answer questions regarding specific days and dates as well as requiring them to work out the number of days in a particular period.  Activity B encourages them to use the calendar to mark dates which are important to them.


  • The children will be understand and be able to demonstrate the use of a calendar.

Subject Area:


Lesson Excerpt:

Did you know that calendars have been around for thousands of years?  Most ancient calendars were lunar calendars, which means that they were based on the cycle of the moon around the earth.  A lunar month is 29 ½ days.

The calendar we use today is called the Gregorian calendar.  In the Gregorian calendar some months have 30 days and some 31 days.  February has only 28 days.  The number of days add up to 365.  But a year actually has 365 ¼ days, which means that every 4th year we have an extra day.  In our calendar we add this day onto February. We call this year a leap year.  All the leap years can be divided by 4 (except for millennium years which are only leap years if they can be divided by 400).  Here is a verse to help you remember the number of days in the months:

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