Lesson Summary:
The lesson introduces the children to the use of parenthesis, using brackets, although it should be pointed out that commas or dashes can serve the same purpose. The reading is designed to be used by the children, either individually or in pairs. Activity A requires them to identify phrases or words in parenthesis and Activity B gives them the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to use parenthesis in their own writing.
- The children will understand and be able to identify words and phrases in parenthesis.
- The children will be able to use parenthesis in their own writing.
Subject Area:
Language Arts
Lesson Excerpt:
Parenthesis can mean a word, phrase or sentence which is inserted into a sentence as a comment or to give additional information. Parenthesis can mean the bracket which is used to enclose the parenthesis too! We can also use commas or dashes to separate the parenthesis from the rest of the sentence, but in this lesson we will just use brackets, which look like this: ( ). If you use parenthesis within another parenthesis you can use square brackets, like this: [ ].