Lesson Summary:
The lesson introduces the children to the tropical regions which have a tropical wet and dry or savannah climate. The reading may be used as a resource for the teacher or as an individual or paired reading activity. Activity A reinforces the information given in the reading. Activity B is a creative writing activity which should encourage the children to think more deeply about the problems and benefits of living on the savannah.
- The children will understand and be able to explain the main characteristics of the savannah regions.
- The children will be able to demonstrate their understanding of the region through creative writing.
Subject Area:
Lesson Excerpt:
Can you name the four seasons? Yes, they are Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. Which one is your favourite?
The regions we are going to talk about today really have only two seasons. These are the rainy season and the dry season. These areas are found in the tropical regions of the earth which lie in the zone between the lines of latitude called the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.
Not all areas in the tropics have the same climate, although all have an average temperature of over 64◦F. The tropics include rainforests and deserts. The regions we are looking at today are those which have the tropical wet and dry or savannah climate.